Welcome to my little world! I decided this blog might be a good outlet for not only my yen to write, but for the sheer catharsis of expressing verbally some of my observations, views, and thoughts.

Keep in mind that I realize my thoughts and views may not be the same as yours, and feel free to reply, but please be respectful, as will I.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Your Life-Touch: Tribute to my Friend, Ricky Wilkins



In your all-too-brief time on this big blue ball,
You touched so many, influenced so much.

Honest as the rain.  Deeper than the ocean.
Brilliant and confident and humble. 
Intellectual and humanitarian.
Direct. Witty.

To say you were talented is to describe the sky as big.
You taught, mentored. You enhanced and improved all with whom you performed.

You played anything and everything in any needed key,
And often on a keyboard that was held together with duct tape and a promise.

If ever ivories were really tickled, I’m sure it was you who made it happen!
Your fingers danced like a chorus line!

You wrote, you played, you sang, and all so beautifully, and yet,
You stepped aside to share the light when the time came for others to shine.

You rarely, if ever, left anyone wondering what you were thinking.
You freely spoke your mind, without a worry about anyone disagreeing.
Your sugar was the sweetest ever, and your acid just as bitter.

We watched you in awe.
We listened to you with amazement and envy.
We read your brilliant political rants and wished we’d said those things!

And now, my friend, like the best in show business, you’ve once again left us wanting more.

Well played, Ricky.
Well played.

George F. Hoffman