Welcome to my little world! I decided this blog might be a good outlet for not only my yen to write, but for the sheer catharsis of expressing verbally some of my observations, views, and thoughts.

Keep in mind that I realize my thoughts and views may not be the same as yours, and feel free to reply, but please be respectful, as will I.

Friday, May 15, 2015


I’m sitting here at the moment, bathed in the light of a sudden revelation I just had. Maybe it was an epiphany! In any event, I believe a truth was revealed to me! I now know why I own and identify so deeply with my sweet Labrador retriever, August! It’s because we are exactly alike!

Like August, I’m friendly to everyone, treat everyone the same. Like August, I crave the love and attention of others. Like him, I would do just about anything to please and/or help anyone around me.  We are both far too trusting. Those we trust can easily take advantage of us.  We are easily led astray. We are LOYAL to a fault. We both perform for any little treat someone would throw our way. We both need hugs regularly. Neither of us has any real control of just about any situation.

Thus, we live our lives trying to please others, to be ‘good boys.’ We are naïve in so many ways.  Sadly, he’s way ahead of me in pleasing and hugs and treats.